Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Omani dolls for Sherly

Sherly is Indonesian, and she asked some of Batik (Indonesian textile) on the dolls.

The Batik are on the little girl's skirt, little boy's dress, and the man's turbin

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Omani dolls for Ms. ALLISON

The customer preferred BLUE-ish on her frame.

Arabian Dolls / Saudi Dolls #2

Very cute Arabian Dolls, nice for present, farewell gift.
4 people with tree and a cute sitting camel.

Background can be different colors too.

Omani Dolls on a yellow background

This is a simple frame, for example; 4 people with a tree, just the right size for farewell gifts or birthday gifts, VERY CHEAP PRICE, email me, FRAME IS INCLUDED.

Background can be white, black, blue, Grey, green.

SIZE 50cm x 40cm
A mother, a father, a boy and a girl, tree
Frame is included

Saudi Dolls for door prize, BINGO night. By Christine

Saudi dolls, wearing a traditional Saudi turbin, with red and white, or black and white. The women wear black dresses, with some gold or grey combination to make it look prettier. With a dates tree and a camel too.

SIZE 50 cm x 85 cm
Five people, dates tree and camel
Frame included

A man holds a Rosary

A boy wears traditional dress and turbin

Dates tree

Omani Dolls on a frame

You live in Oman without having Omani dolls on a picture frame hanging on your wall?

We can make beautiful, colorful Omani dolls on a frame for you, with Omani dress, traditional hats and Khanjar. We offer you the best price, the best quality, the best look.

SIZE 50 cm x 77 cm
Five People
Includes frame